Monday, June 15, 2009

Would you Go in Debt for $32 Million for a Dream?

I recently attended an event for a housewife who liked to bake cinnamon rolls. She turned her love of baking into the worldwide sensation Cinnabon.

In a recent interview, Francis Ford Coppola described the great depression he felt when he released a film that critics predicted would fail. Why? Because this film put Mr. Coppola personally in debt for $32 million. It is now considered one of the greatest war films of our time: Apocalypse Now.

As Ryan and I start our own business, these stories of risk and passion inspire me and give me strength to keep going. These people dare to follow their greatest dream, and they risk everything to do it!

Yesterday we met a family who lives another such story: The Patos. The father, Luis Pato, began making wine near Coimbra, Portugal over two decades ago. His relative success has grown his property and established him
as a great winemaker. But now his daughter Filipa Pato has started her own winery making some of the best white wines I’ve tasted thus far in Portugal. A recent mother, she and her Belgian husband are risking promising careers in Brussels to keep the wine tradition alive in their family.

Helen Keller once wrote, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” Who knows if she is right, but I am certainly tickled by people who live as if she is.

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